Saturday, January 17, 2015

New Release Dandelion!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi guys!!!!  I am going to do show you a 2015 Beanie Boo.  I am going to pick…drum roll please….Dandelion the Chihuahua!!!!!!!!!
This is Dandelion.  She is not out yet but, I can't wait till she is out.  I do not know her birthday but I will try to find it.  I sadly do not know her poem but, I will try to find that too.  She is a trade show exclusive like T-bone and Tomato.  Her name just showed up in black (which means you can't click it to see) so it will be a while before she comes out.

That's all for now!!!!!!!


  1. I wish that she was for sale on ebay! Cause I love her so so so much!

  2. I looked on eBay and she was for sale! They had a few pricey ones but, I saw a 14.99 one!!!!

  3. What. A. Little. Angel. She’s. Adorable
